Month: November 2022

Reading Taskboard: Mascots for Paris 2024

Salut readers,

This week for hurumanu, Nga Tangata our class is doing a reading taskboard where we can pick a activity out of the taskboard. Me and friend picked a article off kiwi kids news. The one I did was “Mascots for Paris 2024”. Underneath the article we have recall questions and im gonna answer them in a doc. Before I show you my work here is the link to the article if anyone wants to have a look into it! Mascots for Paris 2024

Here is the photo of the mascots and my doc I have made!

doc to mascot Paris 2024

That’s all of it! I think these mascots are pretty cool! What do you think about them? Thank you all for reading my new post and have a wonderfull day. Bye 🙂


Ruru and the giant Pouakai

Salut readers,

This past weeks our hurumanu class has been re making the story “ruru and the giant pouakai” into a slide or doc (etc). Ruru and the giant pouakai is an adaptation of a traditional purakau, written by Te Taumutu Runanga o Ngai Tahu. Me and Sophia have re made the story about Ruru and the giant Pouakai. I hope you like it!

I think we did a decent job on this. What’s one of your favorite storys all time? If so please do feel free to share. Have a good rest of your day 🙂 Bye!

Music research task: MF DOOM

Hello readers,

This week our whanaga our doing a music research task about a music artist (of our choice) some ideas we had to think of is there age of birth, where they were born, maybe what school/uni they went to? And some unusual infomation about them. (trivia about the artist). And lastly a song that they published. We could add this info on a slide, google drawing, doc, etc. I have made this on a document.

Heres some of my infomation I found out about him.


Thank you for looking back at my post again. Is there anything else I missed in my doc? If so do share about it. Do you have some music artist you enjoy listening to? Please come back again and have a good day!

Nancy wake

WALT: write a biography about a famous New Zealander

Nancy Wake, a figure in the French Resistance during the Second World War, was born in Wellington, New Zealand, on 30 August 1912. Her family moved to Sydney, where she grew up.  She ran away from home at the age of 16 and found work as a nurse, but a windfall enabled her to leave Australia for Europe in 1932. Wake settled in Paris, working for the Hearst group of newspapers as a journalist.  In November 1939 she married Henri Fiocca, a wealthy industrialist, in Marseilles. Six months later Germany invaded France. Wake and Fiocca joined the fledgling Resistance after France’s surrender in 1940.

Her growing involvement in the Resistance saw Wake and her husband assisting in the escape of Allied servicemen and Jewish refugees from France into neutral Spain. Fearful of being captured she too fled Marseilles and, after several thwarted attempts and a brief period in prison, Wake escaped across the Pyrenees. In June 1943 she reached England where she began working in the French Section of the Special Operations Executive (SOE).
After a period of training, Wake returned to France in April 1944 to help organise the Resistance before D-Day. 

Upon liberation, Wake learned that her husband, Henri, had been killed by the Gestapo in August 1943. In September 1944 she left the Resistance and went to SOE Headquarters in Paris, and then to London in mid-October. After the war she was decorated by Britain, France and the United States but, being unable to adapt to life in post-war Europe, she returned to Australia in January 1949 aged 47.