The Bloody Code.


This essay is based on the bloody code, it’s about crimes that have been made but also got big punishments for such as if someone had been murded, shot the person that did the crime may be put to the death row or have a pill to get put to sleep then slowly die. But if someone steals the person would either get hung in public or a body part chopped off. It really just depends on what the person stole and how bad the crime was.

The origins of the bloody code date back to the regin of King Henry VII, where a number of crimes were a punishment by any death. However, during the 18th century when the bloody code became used more the goverment sought to increase social order and put people off the thought of crimes. Since you most definltely don’t want a limb chopped off!

Many of these crimes were seen as against property, there for justifying the harsh punishment. The code also introuduced transportation so the people who did a crime were sent off into boats and ferrys and got to colonies such as Australia and America. Just like some of the first bits we talked about, it was not uncommon for the punishment to be carried out in a public execution, such like: Hanging, drawing and quartering. This was done in public places and often attract the large crowds so they knew not to do crimes.

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