
Aim: To make an electromagnet

Research: youtube video


  • Big nail
  • Wires with alligator clips
  • Variable resistor
  • Power Supply
  • paperclips
  • sellotape


  1. Wrap one wire around the nail as much as possible, and sellotape it so that it doesn’t unroll. This is the electromagnet.
  2. Connect the power supply in series to the variable resistor and the electromagnet.
  3. Change the voltage on the power supply, and the resistance on the variable resistor so that the electromagnet works.
  4. Pick up some paperclips.
  5. Take a photo of everything for your results.

Results: Photos of everything, and the magnet holding up the paperclip.


  1. How many paperclips did you pick up? – One sadly
  2. Is that a strong magnet?- Not really could be better
  3. How could you make a stronger electromagnet?- bigger nails
  4. What happens when you turn the power supply off? –
  5. How do electromagnets work? – when the coils of wire in an electromagnet have an electric current passing through them, the coils behave like a magnet. –
  6. How do electric motors work? –

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