Trashing The World

6 – 9 – 23

  • Paragraph Writing

For many years, our ocean has been destroyed by humans, getting worse over time and will continue in this condition if we don’t look after our planet.

About 99.82% of our planet has been exposed to the levels of particulate matter. Pollution is the biggest environmental cause of disease and possible death. Air pollution kills about 6.7 million people a year. Which is a big problem for us! It’s bad enough that 90% of the ocean can absorb heat.

All this damage is causing multiple problems like how overfishing can stop the food chains and more plastic can affect the sea. Basically if we keep harming our oceans in the future we won’t be around, because all the sea animals won’t be able to live.

In summary we can all start and help right now by changing the way we take care of our earth, even if it’s just a tiny bit of helping out it will do good in future times from now. A healthy ocean regulates and reduces climate change impacts. We will have good economic process, but we must work together to protect and save the ocean for the sake of our future survival on planet earth.


12 – 9 – 23

  • Plastic in the ocean poster 

Hi readers, how has your day been?

This past week in social studies we our looking into the plastic facts and figures and write down notes about the general infomation, after that we write it down into a book then make a poster/diagram with the infomation we collected. I have done my poster on canva, hope you all like it.

Did you all find something intresting on here? And if there’s anything I haven’t added on please let me know! Have a good day, bye!


10 – 11 – 23


(beginningcontextdisagreementthe sum up)


I will be going over all plastic going into our seas. This situation has been going on forever and it’s time to make some changes. Climate change has been an on and on thing since the earliest time of our ancestors. It’s been getting worse since the revolution of the 19th century. Tons of factories can also damage the air and water pollution. All this has made it have many effects on our planet such as the hotter temperatures, rising sea levels, loss of species, acid rain and plenty more. These are reasons all due to burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas) leading it to go to sewage water and drains. All of this is ruining the oceans and human life, making it ruin food chains. Rising sea levels will also go up due to heating problems. You can tell this is gonna be a bad spot for our planet earth and us. Let’s start cleaning now so we can make our future and the animals a safer place. 

Body Paragraph

(statementwhy is it important? Evidencesum up


The main issue is the plastic in the ocean, making it bad for our ocean life. It’s good to know that the sea animals have homes just like us. They use it to collect food and rest. Sadly, the plastic we use does end up going into the ocean making it found in the sea animals. The plastic they find mistakes it as prey, leading to them dying of starvation and having their stomachs full of the waste we use. Researchers claim that over one million animals die from eating this plastic and 100,000 die from getting tangled in it. They also found out that only 1% of the marine litter floats while everything else sinks to the sea floor! You could imagine how sea animals are living at the moment.. They are dying just every year because of the plastic you throw on the ground. 

What’s the solution to all this, and how could we help? To reduce the production of plastic that ends up in the ocean, we have to take drastic measures. We need to have a ban on single use plastics and support sustainable options. We also need to educate people on the effects of plastic pollution, and encourage eco-friendly habits.

Water levels are also one of the causes that puts our planet at risk. These things are due to the glaciers melting and thermal growth of seawater as it warms. All the pollution like plastic, gas and oil, industrial waste and more turns the air hotter building it to our glaciers melting, having our sea rise. In 2022 the sea level was 101.2 millimeters. 4 inches above 1993 levels. Which means it was the highest annual average in the satellite record. Even countries are gonna start to disappear soon! The Maldives has been rising to 0.03 — 0.06 inches (0.8 — 1.6 millimeters) per year. It’s also affecting some of the pacific islands! We all need to reduce the plastic we use! Look at how much we destroy. 

Car emissions are affecting the ocean’s chemistry. It’s slowing its ability to take in the CO2 making it more acidic, which harms the shellfish and other marine life we depend on. The ocean generates 50 percent of the oxygen we need, absorbing 25 percent of carbon dioxide emissions which means it’s 90 percent of the excess heat generated by the emissions. There are also many other bad effects car emissions can produce. The pollutants in emissions can cause damage to the lung tissue and can lead to more diseases like asthma. Motor vehicle pollution also contributes to the formation of acid rain. The pollution also emits greenhouse gasses that cause climate change. 

To conclude this shows you what can lead to our future and all the things we can do to help stop leading to a polluted enviroment. Such as the marine being at risk from the plastic. By cleaning the world it will slowly impact our planet Earth. Plastics give a helping hand, but they are polluting our land.


19 – 11 – 23


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