The Horrible Parasite.

31 – 8 – 23

γεια σας αναγνώστες,

In Health, we have been reading about Death, Dying, and the Afterlife. We have discovered about some one of a kind cultural beliefs and traditions. For the previous 7 weeks we have been studying about film studys, where we watched a movie called coco which is an example of what would possibly death, death and afterlife may appear like. The whole consept of coco is to analyze about how another tradition deals with death or celebrates a loved one who has passed. Then we went over a summary about it then moved onto how distinctive cultures and countries via history and essential occasions (1900’s, victorian era, spainish flu, the black death, smallpox) I choose the Spanish flu and did some of the victorian era. Then we would find out the bodily procedure of dying. We would watch videos and reasearch about it then get a mix and swap cards from our teacher, then you’d get into businesses and put them in order of how a character passes away. Following on we acquired into change, loss and grief. In groups we would brainstorm on how we suppose it might seem like, sense like and what it would sound like? Then we would share how our tradition offers coping with death.

That was once a quick precis on what it kind of regarded like, I enjoyed this subject quite alot and looking more into the concept of it. What did you think? Anything you would be fond of? Please let me know!

Now I am going to be shifting onto my subsequent topic that we get to select for ourselves. me and my pal have choosen the lethal ‘Naegleria fowleri’ also regarded as the intelligence – consuming amoeba. It is a single celled living organism that lives in soil and warm fresh water like rivers, lakes and hot springs. it is commonly called ‘ brain eating ameba’ considering it can reason genius infection when ameba goes up into the nose, destroying the intelligence tissue, which is nearly continually fatal! This mainly takes place when human beings go swimming, diving, or when the character puts their head under clean water. This virus can also happen if any of the water gets warmer the more it mutiples. Which sounds terrfiyng when you really look into this deathly virus. Only 4 people have succesfully survived out of 157 known infected individuals in the United States from 1962 to 2022.

Going foward I want to show you some videos on how the different phases work sectioned top to bottom on how this ameba gets into your brain. This video i’m showing you I found really intresting and engaging to watch as it’s also very scary at the same time. And there is some other videos I think you might find really fasinating.

The Horrible Parasite

12 year old surviving


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