Touch Rugby Reflections

Touch rugby reflection – Term 2  

This term in PE we have been learning about Touch Rugby.

Touch Rugby is played with 7 players on each team.

The field is 50 m wide x 70 m in length.

The equipment needed is a ball, uniform, cones? 

Here are some of the rules: 

1 A player must shout touch to get a point

2 Dummy has to pass the ball/The dummy can’t be touched 

3 Forward passes 

4 have to get six touches

5 If you get touched than pass it, then its a turnover 

One thing I improved at was my knowledge of the rugby rules. 

One thing I enjoyed was passing the ball I guess? 

I could keep working on passing the ball behind my teammates.

I enjoyed playing on the same team as my friends because it’s more enjoyable.

I always/sometimes/hardly ever/never brought my PE gear to school. 

Out of 10, I would give myself a 4 for effort because I don’t enjoy touch and don’t really participate if I’m being honest.

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