Tag: Convicts

Convict Colony Australia

sain baina uu readers, sain uu?

This last week in social studies we have been looking over Convict colony in Australia and some researching how there life was whilst sentenced. The 18th and 19th centuries were definitely challenging times back then, especually for those who were subjected to the harsh conditions and forced labor! Till this day it’s important to remember that these experiences helped shape the world we live in today.

But mainly we have been reading some articles and answering these questions down onto google slides and sharing these story to you readers! Without more information heres my slide i’ve made!

How’d you guys like it? I’ve actually been enjoying this subject this term all about murder and mayhem, it has great history? What do you think, do enjoy doing stuff like this? If you do please leave me a comment and have a good day, bayartai bol!