Tag: nga tangata

Reading Taskboard: Mascots for Paris 2024

Salut readers,

This week for hurumanu, Nga Tangata our class is doing a reading taskboard where we can pick a activity out of the taskboard. Me and friend picked a article off kiwi kids news. The one I did was “Mascots for Paris 2024”. Underneath the article we have recall questions and im gonna answer them in a doc. Before I show you my work here is the link to the article if anyone wants to have a look into it! Mascots for Paris 2024

Here is the photo of the mascots and my doc I have made!

doc to mascot Paris 2024

That’s all of it! I think these mascots are pretty cool! What do you think about them? Thank you all for reading my new post and have a wonderfull day. Bye 🙂


Ruru and the giant Pouakai

Salut readers,

This past weeks our hurumanu class has been re making the story “ruru and the giant pouakai” into a slide or doc (etc). Ruru and the giant pouakai is an adaptation of a traditional purakau, written by Te Taumutu Runanga o Ngai Tahu. Me and Sophia have re made the story about Ruru and the giant Pouakai. I hope you like it!

I think we did a decent job on this. What’s one of your favorite storys all time? If so please do feel free to share. Have a good rest of your day 🙂 Bye!


Kia ora readers,

How have you all been this week? For week 9 my hurumanu are working on all about mammals. There are 4 different reading groups in my class. My group is called Karaka, and we are learing about the cat (cats behavior, how the cats mind works, etc) The other groups are working on mammal migration and animals and their homes. So today I will be explaning about cats.

Cats are very intelligent, cats have a righting reflex, which allows them to turn while in the air, so that they land safely on their feet. Using their sensitive ears, they are able to maintain balance and orient themselves, so they are not injured from a fall. Around 30% of a cat’s character is related to their genetic makeup. While the kitten also directly affects the character they will have in the adult form.

Here is a video about the cats if you wanna know a bit more:)

Here are some cool facts about cats!

  • Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping. If you thought cats spent a lot of their lives sleeping, you’d be right.
  • Cats walk like camels and giraffes. Have you ever noticed that cats walk like camels and giraffes?
  • House cats share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with tigers.

I have also put in 9 key events on one of my activitys about the cats. Here it is 🙂

Well thats it for now readers! Thank you all for reading my blog and come back again! Do you know anything else about cats? If so please ask me 🙂 Bye bye!